Saturday, February 26, 2011

Take a Trip with Drip

Learn more about one of our
most precious natural resources

This link will take you to interactive activities
while you go on a learning journey with Drip.

click the link above

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Six Flags Read To Succeed

Reading logs
for the
Six Flags 
Read to Succeed 
program are due
Tuesday, March 1st

Here is a link:

Read to Succeed - Reading Log

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Homework for Snow/Ice Day - February 9, 2011

Homework was sent in your child's take home folder yesterday, just in case we had another bad weather day.  If you are able to work on it with your child, please do!  Help them locate the answers in the passages.  Guide them to look back in the passage to prove the answer.

They are not expected to do the work on their own.  You can help them with these assignments.

We will have our spelling test on Friday for the spelling words from last week.  Our spelling pattern is prefixes ( re, un ) and suffixes ( ly, ful ).  Here are the words from last week:

repay, likely, kind, joyful,
bravely, wrap, pay, unlike,
retry, useful, unkind, joy,
play, like, unwrap, replay,
brave, reuse, playful, try, use